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Yes I am!


What we can do for you.

Database Consultancy

Our Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle MySQL database skills are well praised, we deliver great advice on topics such as database administration, performance tuning, design and software interaction.

Software Development

Thinking about automating some of your businessprocesses with custom made software? Send us a message, we'd love to sit together to make that happen!

Web Development

Rather have a cool website? Let us help you with that: We have developed a new platform that automatically creates a website from your facebook business page and keeps it in sync. Check out our page for more info: Sitematic.ai

Need More Free Time?

Using the power of Social Media to build your website?

Yes Please!


Check out our awesomest of the awesome.


Facebook Integrated Website

Daniël De Wispelaere

Facebook Integrated Website

Restaurant Reservation Software

Software Development

Proximus / EC

SQL Consultancy

Dakwerken Kurt Buyle

Facebook Integrated Website


Software Development

Are They Happy

Social Media Management Platform

Handelscentrum Merelbeke

Facebook Integrated Website


Website Development


Do. Or do not. There is no try.

  • 1998

    Quite nerdy

    Built my first website ...
    <frame src... and trailsprites galore,
    need I say more? :-S

  • 2001 - August 2008

    Humble Beginnings

    Started as system engineer @ ADP (Currently CDK) , doing regular operating system installations and maintenance. In March 2006 this changed into a system administrator role, at first for internal systems, later for the entire BPM Software infrastructure... Here is where I started my first experience with SQL Server.

  • September 2008

    Inscope was Founded.

    Started as an independent IT consultant with focus on Microsoft SQL server and related technologies such as Reporting Services and Integration Services

  • 2012

    Inscope Evolved.

    To fully understand database interaction & applications I needed to learn programming. This evolved into another activity branch of inscope.be: Developing tailored software.
    Developing websites and webapplications was a logical extension of this. Since then the focus has been SQL, Software development and Webdesign with a penchant for social media integration.

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